Cross-Sector Council Overview
Energy production and supporting industries collectively make up a significant part of the local and regional economy. These industries are increasingly the targets of cyber and physical attacks from a variety of sources. These industries are important not only due to their only due to their economic input, but to assure the safety of coastal cities and populations. Cyber-attacks against these industries can allow attackers to gain access to trade secrets, intellectual property, design and performance information, even access to industrial control systems.
The Coastal Bend CSC’s mission is to elevate the awareness of security and cyber risks in Southeast Texas and provide a forum to discuss best practices, solutions, investigative techniques, incident response, and practical approaches to defend against cyber and physical security threats.
The Coastal Bend CSC is committed to identifying and sharing best practices and security protection techniques involving all aspects of technology and physical security to minimize risks to individuals and infrastructure which is fundamental to InfraGard’s mission. Additionally, the Coastal Bend CSC envisions being the premiere organization focused on increasing cyber and physical security risk awareness throughout Southeast Texas.
Contact this Cross-Sector Council
If you’d like to learn more about how the Coastal Bend CSC is serving the Greater Houston Area, reach out to CSC Leadership through CoastalBend-CSC@infragardhouston.org.
For additional sector-specific information as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, visit: https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/critical-infrastructure-sectors.